Babylon Rotary & Rock Hill Golf CC
The Babylon Rotary Club 18th Annual Charity Golf Outing Use this application (other side) to register yourself and others in your foursome. Please include your check for $200 per golfer and return as soon as you can to insure your place on this fun filled day of golf and fellowship. Please join us for dinner even if you are not golfing. Looking forward to seeing you again in July! Respectfully yours, Babylon Rotary Club Dear Fellow Golfers, The Babylon Rotary Club is proud to announce the Annual Charity Golf Outing is on Tuesday July 11, 2017. We are looking forward to your attendance and continued support this year.
“Service Above Self”
105 Clancy Road • Manorville, NY 11949 (631) 878-2250
Tuesday July 11, 2017
S CHEDULE If you have any questions please contact: Neil Weingarten at 631-654-0600
Registration, Lunch & Driving Range 11:30 am - 1:30 pm 1:30 pm - 6:30 pm Golf and Rolling Beverage Carts
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm Cocktails and Dinner, Raffles and Awards
• LIE to exit 70 Country Road 111 • Turn Right and Continue to Chapman Blvd. • Turn Right on Chapman (7-11 on the right) • Continue to Clancy Road • Turn Left on Clancy and continue to the Rock Hill Golf & Country Club
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