CDLH 2016 Gala Online Invite
Join us in celebration of the 2016 Honorees... C omptroller T homas P. D i N apoli N ew Y ork S tate
Círculo de la Hispanidad
36 th
presents its
D aisy E xp ó sito -U lla President and CEO D E xp ó sito & P artners
Spring Gala
D r . J orge L. G ardyn Cheif Executive Officer I sland O ccupational M edical R esources
C ouncilwoman D orothy G oosby T own of H empstead
Friday, May 20, 2016 Garden City Hotel Garden City, New York Cocktail Hour 8:00 p.m. Dinner and Ceremony Commence at 9:00 p.m.
R obert I saksen Long Island President B ank of A merica
C é sar N uesi Linkage Coordinator HIV C í rculo de la H ispanidad
PLEASE RSVP BY MAY 6, 2016 $200.00 per person Black Tie optional Silent Auction and Raffle Prizes available at the event. Checks, Cash and Credit Cards accepted. Live Orchestra!
Growing Stronger Together
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