Círculo de la Hispanidad 2018 Gala Journal
Experience Círculo’s initiatives. Take the journey with Círculo and experience the programs and community services. Media Friend Booster Business Buddy 119 C írculo de la H ispanidad Supporter 72 88 96 106 115 61
school housed within the Center and authorized by the New York State Department of Education. Welcoming the New Middle School. Evergreen's Mission, Promise and Pledge. The School Expands its Technology Initiative with Chromebooks.
May 18, 2018 / Content
F lashback 2017 S pring G ala G il B ernardino ’ s 70 th C elebration
169 183 204
23 27
2018 G ala P lanning C ommittee
6 A ddresses
E lected O fficials ’ L etters of A cknowledgment
S cholarship R ecipients of 2018 Mr. Gil Bernardino, Executive Director and Founder of Círculo, addresses our community. Learn the History of Círculo. Mr. Leo Fernández, President of the Board of Directors of Círculo, addresses our community. Círculo de la Hispanidad Mission Statement and the Gala purpose. 10
M emorandum
In memory of our loved ones, may we never forget them.
Letters from elected officials recognizing Círculo de la Hispanidad's efforts supporting vulnerable children and families of Nassau, Long Island.
I ndex
List of Sponsors by category and Journal Composers and Authors.
S ponsor H ighlights
A cknowledgement to our D onors
Bronze Silver Executive Corporate
Honoring Our Past &Present...
H onorees
Read about the 2018 Honorees. Learn about their vocations and their involvement with the surrounding communities. Read the attributes that make them unique and the accomplishments that have earned them the recognition as a 2018 Honoree.
H urricane M aría
Helping Puerto Rico in its time of need.
147 148
B ecome a F riend of C í rculo E vergreen C harter S chool
21 20
C írculo B oard of T rustees C írculo S taff
Founded in 2008, Evergreen is an elementary
Continuing our course for the Future!
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