Círculo de la Hispanidad 40th Anniversary Spring Gala
Join us in Recognition of the 2020 Honorees
M s . Á ngela F ernández , E sq . COMMISSIONER NYS D ivision of H uman R ights M rs . A nahi D e C anio REAL ESTATE BROKER D ouglas E lliman | A rty Z en H omes L uis 0.H errera , M.D. PEDIATRICS AND ADOLESCENT MEDICINE L uis O. H errera , M.D., FAAP M r . R ichard S teinberg FOUNDER & CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD A mericasa H ome L oans A ssemblyman P hil R amos DEPUTY MAJORITY LEADER N ew Y ork S tate H on . J ack M artins , E sq . PARTNER H arris B each , PLLC
Friday, May 15, 2020 Garden City Hotel Garden City, New York Cocktail Hour 7:30 p.m. Dinner and Ceremony Commence at 9:00 p.m.
PLEASE RSVP BY MAY 1, 2020 JOURNAL DEADLINE APRIL 23, 2020 $225.00 per person B lack T ie O ptional Silent Auction and Raffle Prizes Available at the Event. Checks, Cash and Credit Cards accepted. Live Orchestra!
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