Círculo de la Hispanidad 43rd Anniversary Spring Gala

In Memory of

In Memory of




We remember and honor you as a social justice advocate and luchadora for the rights of the Long Island Hispanic community. Know your legacy lives on through the many lives you have touched through your work in social work and advocacy for bilingual social work services. Thank you for your support of Círculo de la Hispanidad and our mission. You have inspired us and countless others. You will be missed and will remain in our hearts forever.

B oard of D irectors 1985 - 2013

O ur F riend for L ife ... Y ou will A lways be in O ur H earts !

MARISA LAMARRE LASTRA February 18, 1930 – November 10, 2017


A champion of compassion and generosity. Una campeona llena de compasión y generosidad. You will always be in our hearts. An example of dedication to help those in need through Saint Vincent de Paul and Círculo de la Hispanidad. She served our organization as a founding member and our treasurer for about 30 years, missing meetings only when she was ill or out of the country. An example to all of us. She was and is part of our family forever.

C hairperson of the B oard 1990 - 1996

to H er O utstanding L eadership & D edication to C Í rculo de la H ispanidad , I nc . S he continues to serve as an inspiriation to us .

We also honor and remember our supporters and friends of Circulo de la Hispanidad and Evergreen Charter School who have passed away. Much peace.



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