Círculo de la Hispanidad News


HOUSING PROGRAMS CÍrculo Provides a Variety of Housing Assistance to Individuals and Families in Nassau County. Círculo housing programs have replaced face to face visits with phone and virtual platforms. We continue to provide support to individuals and families to support them with their needs.

On The Long Beach Boardwalk For Our Annual Walk For Peace To End The Silence On Domestic Violence SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020

Los programas de vivienda de Círculo han reemplazado las visitas personales con plataformas telefónicas y virtuales. Continuamos brindando apoyo a individuos y familias para apoyarlos con sus necesidades.

CASA SALVA | SAFE HOUSE-RAPID REHOUSING PROGRAM Permanent Housing for families fleeing from Domestic Violence Situations.

CASA SERENIDAD | SERENITY HOUSE - PSH Permanent Housing for the Homeless and Disabled .

SUPPORTED HOUSING PROGRAM | SHP Permanent Housing Program for individuals with Mental Health Diagnosis.

Visit cdlh.org for updates regarding Walk for Peace last Saturday in September Visite cdlh.org para obtener actualizaciones sobre Walk for Peace el último sábado de Septiembre.

CASA ESPERANZA | HOPE HOUSE Permanent Housing for Homeless Families and Domestic Violence survivors.

For More Information Call (516) 292- 2433 0r visit cdlh.org

HOMELESS HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM | HHAP Permanent Housing for formerly Homeless Families.

For Additional Information and Eligibility Contact Ariel Sotelo | Director of Housing (516) 431-1135 x 132 or e-mail at asotelo@cdlh.org

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