Círculo de la Hispanidad's 39th Anniversary Spring Gala Journal
Congratulates Círculo de la Hispanidad and the 2019 Honorees MR. ÁNGEL CEPEDA , President, Blue Mountain Consulting Group Inc. MR. NÉSTOR CHOPIN , CPA, President, Néstor Chopin, CPA, PLLC. MR. ROBBIE DONNO , Founder & Director, Gift of Life International. MR. ANTHONY MIRANDO , Vice President, Triple Crown Foods Inc. MR. FRANK L. REGNANTE , Co-Founder, Gift of Life Inc. MRS. VERÓNICA RENTA IRWIN, ESQ ., Partner, Irwin & Streiner, LLC DR. LUIS VALENZUELA, PH.D. , Long Island Region Advocate, Healthcare Project 1199 SEOI & GNYHA
for their dedication, services and achievements in support the surrounding communities.
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