HCC 2016 Gala RSVP

This is an interactive Invitation and RSVP. Access to On-Line Registration. Sponsorship Levels /Journal Packages / Tickets. RSVP now and avoid the DEADLINE RUSH!


J ournal S ponsorship P ackages

J ournal A nnouncement D imensions

J ournal A nnouncement D eadline : F riday , S eptember 23, 2016 BY 12:00 N oon



Full Page: 7.25” W x 9.5” H Quarter Page: 3.5” W x 4.65” H

Half Page: 7.25” W x 4.65” H Business Card: 3.5” W x 2” H

Full-color journal page inside front journal cover, wall banner display at cocktail hour, 25 dinner guests. Special Recognition.

P lease A bide by the A bove M easurements / F or A dditional I nformation C ontact N ancy I glesias -G illen at Nancy@nstudiosltd.com



Digital Specifications

Full-color journal page inside back journal cover, 20 dinner guests. Special Recognition.

Submit all journal announcements to Blanca Alvayero at 516-538-2613 ext: 223 or email at balvayero@HispanicCounseling.org with a high resolution of 300 dpi or higher; print-ready PDF, JPG, PNG, In-Design or Illustrator files. PDF formats cannot be edited. Record your guest list on the back of the RSVP.



Full-color journal page, 15 dinner guests. Special Recognition.

C ompany N ame



A uthorized P ersonnel

Full-color journal page, 12 dinner guests. Special Recognition.

I ndividual T icket A mount T otal A mount E nclosed S ponsor P ackage


Individual Ticket

Nu rtu ring Dreams ...

for Generations to Come!

Reservations for journal ads will not be accepted without payment. The Hispanic Counseling Center is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) community service organization.

J ournal A nnouncements

Executive Corporate Business Supporter Partner Friend Associate Category:


Costs: $2,500 $1,500

Your contribution is tax deductible.

Full Page Full Page Full Page Full Page Half Page

10 Dinner Guests 5 Dinner Guests 2 Dinner Guests

Please make check payable to: Hispanic Counseling Center, Inc. 344 Fulton Avenue Hempstead, N.Y. 11550 Any questions call (516) 538-2613 Ext: 223 Use enclosed envelope to return your response. The deadline for the Gala journal is Friday, September 23, 2016 by 12:00 noon . All artwork must be submitted and paid in full by said date in order to process your request. *

$900 $500 $300 $100 $75

Quarter Page Business Card

N ame / B usiness :




Contact Person:

Guest List:

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