Historic Reflections 2015

of domestic violence.

D omestic V iolence

Círculo’s continues to operate weekly support groups in Spanish out of its office in Long Beach and Hempstead for victims of violence. In addition the agency provides case management, advocacy, crisis intervention and other supportive services to victims of domestic violence and their families. Although legal representation is not provided, the agency continues to actively seek funding for this important service.

A dult E ducation P rograms

Continuing the Mission in 2015 & S etting the C ourse for the F uture ! C írculo continues to operate a range of diverse programming to support community needs. Services are provided in English and Spanish in a culturally and linguistically sensitive manner. Y outh P rograms The agency started with a small grant from the Youth Board. It continues to operate programming for children and youth with funds from the Nassau County Youth Board. These services include homework assistance, taw kwon do, guitar classes, modern dance, Sábado Cultural, (a cultural program conducted in Spanish to support the enrichment of dance, arts and education about Spanish culture for elementary school age children), a Youth Committee, Sports Fridays for teens and summer camp. Additional youth programming includes after-school programs for elementary school age children in Long Beach and Hempstead supported by the Office of Children and Family Services, United Way and AT & T. Círculo offers a variety of programming funded by the AIDS Institute - NYS Department of Health including education and prevention education, linkage and retention services and support groups. In addition, the agency provides free transportation assistance through Ryan White Funds administered by the United Way to help individuals access medical appointments. Círculo was also awarded funding in 2015 for an Early Intervention Program through United Way to assist individuals diagnosed with HIV and AIDS access medical care and receive services. Permanent housing is also provided to individuals living with HIV and AIDS. Housing programs offered by Círculo include permanent and transitional housing. The agency operates an 18 bed supported housing programs for individuals living with a mental health diagnosis in scattered site housing. Other permanent housing programs include Círculo’s Casa Serenided, “Serenity House”, a permanent housing program for individuals and families living with HIV and AIDS. Círculo also operates a transitional housing program for victims of violence called Casa Salva, or the “Safe House”. Círculo’s three two-family homes provide permanent housing to individuals who have been homeless. One of these houses, Casa Esperanza, or “Hope House”, is dedicated to victims HIV and AIDS P rograms H ousing

Círculo’s educational programs continue to struggle for viability. Funding for Long Beach programs was cut this past September. Círculo operates its Hempstead program through a small grant from the Hispanic Federation, the Village of Hempstead and through program fees. Even in this situation, we have close to 150 students attending classes. We open at 7:00 am and have classes until 8:30 pm. These numbers show the dedication and aspirations of the Hispanic working class and immigrant community that want to learn English, even if they have to pay. This is in sharp contradiction to the myth in our society that Hispanics do not want to learn English. Círculo’s Hempstead office holds three class sessions a day, early mornings, morning and evenings to accommodate high demands. Classes are also offered to help individuals complete their secondary education, preparing them for the Test Assessing Secondary Completion, or TASC, formerly known as GED, General Equivalency Diploma classes. Círculo received funding this past year from Capital One to support literacy efforts and operates literacy classes in Spanish for individuals to teach them how to read and write in their native language.

C ulinary T raining P rograms

Funding for these services was cut but Círculo continues to seek small grants to support educational initiatives to educate individuals on healthy cooking and eating. Over the past year Círculo was able to provide small cooking courses for individuals in its Supported Housing Program. The classes were designed especially for individuals living on a limited funds.

L ong B each S occer C lub

Círculo continues to operate the Long Beach Soccer Club for children and youth and provide opportunities for travel and intramural play for boys and girls.

F ood P antry

Círculo operates a food pantry in Long Beach supported by donations through Long Island Cares, and others. The pantry provides individuals and families with food on Thursday afternoons or any day when an emergency occurs.

S cholarship F unds

Scholarship funds are awarded annually at Círculo’s Awards Night held each June. Funds raised from our Spring Gala at the Garden City Hotel are given to Hispanic high school students from Long Beach and Hempstead matriculating to college or professional studies.



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