Installation of the Reverend Father Jason U. Grisafi
Gospel Acclamation
“Celtic Alleluia” “Come Holy Spirit Fill the hearts of Your Faithful and Enlighten Them with the Fire of Your Love.” Luke 18: 1-8: Dcn. Julio
Installation of the Reverend Father Jason U. Grisafi as Pastor of the Church of St. Joseph
Gospel Homily Creed Oath Bilingual Intercessions L iturgy of the E ucharist Presentation Hymn Presentation of the Gifts
JUNE 9, 2019
“One Spirit, One Church” Gather Rite Presentation of the Pastor: Rev. Ethel Proclamation of the Appointment: Bishop Richard G. Henning
Entrance Hymn
“The God of All Grace” Ministers of the People, Ada Gonzalez, Marilyn Hallam, Barbara Schade and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller
O pening P rayer B ilingual L iturgy of the W ord First Reading: Proclaimed in English: Primera Lectura Psalm 104 Second Reading: proclaimed in Spanish
The Lord’s Prayer Communion Hymn
Hechos de los Apóstoles 2: 1-11 “Lord, Send Out Your Spirit and Renew the face of the Earth.” A reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans Romans 8:8-17 Presented by Dcn. Julio
“Pescador de Hombre” | “Lord you Have Come” “Cum Sancto Spiritu” “Rejoice the Lord is King”
Meditation Hymn Recessional Hymn The Celebration continues in the O’Connell room.
Pentecost Sequence
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