Lorenzo's Dream

Lorenzo’s Dream

M usic : A lfonso O suna M usic A rrangement : F rancis R odriguez G uitar : A lfonso O suna S axophones : J avi O livencia

F rom an infant’s point of view, the difference between waking experience and dreams has little relevance. So, his reality is multidimensional and unlimited; it is a plenitude of being. A little boy wakes up from his nap and sits up in his crib. He starts narrating to himself the dream he’s just had, not realizing that his grandfather is listening. Superheroes battle monsters and villains in the artful tale, and in the end -as it should be- good defeats evil. The tale presents us with a scene of a lost paradise, of a primordial, unstructured and joyful time in life when the most insignificant things made us happy; a time when we did not need to tolerate the progressive degeneration of bliss brought on by adulthood. It reminds us that with maturity we replace that innocent joy with goals and needs, with material things that -we later come to discover- have nothing to do with happiness. In order to celebrate that time of innocence, the grandfather writes a song that proposes to capture that exhilarating adventure in the sounds and rhythms of Latin jazz, all with the help of the talented musicians of the Alfonso Osuna Big Band. I hope that you enjoy Lorenzo's Dream .

T rumpets : L uis A quino T rombones : L uis B onilla

P iano , R hodes and minor percussion : F rancis R odriguez D rums , barriles , congas and bongos : T ito D e G racia E lectric B ass : F rancis R odriguez P roducer : F rancis R odriguez E xecutive P roducer and B and L eader : A lfonso O suna


A lfonso O suna

N ew Y ork , J anuary 2022

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