Círculo de la Hispanidad 40th Anniversary Spring Gala

Join Us in Celebration of 40 Momentous Years!

Join us in Recognition of the 2020 Honorees

M s . Á ngela F ernández , E sq . COMMISSIONER NYS D ivision of H uman R ights M rs . A nahi D e C anio REAL ESTATE BROKER D ouglas E lliman | A rty Z en H omes L uis 0.H errera , M.D. PEDIATRICS AND ADOLESCENT MEDICINE L uis O. H errera , M.D., FAAP M r . R ichard S teinberg FOUNDER & CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD A mericasa H ome L oans A ssemblyman P hil R amos DEPUTY MAJORITY LEADER N ew Y ork S tate H on . J ack M artins , E sq . PARTNER H arris B each , PLLC

Friday, May 15, 2020 Garden City Hotel Garden City, New York Cocktail Hour 7:30 p.m. Dinner and Ceremony Commence at 9:00 p.m.

PLEASE RSVP BY MAY 1, 2020 JOURNAL DEADLINE APRIL 23, 2020 $225.00 per person B lack T ie O ptional Silent Auction and Raffle Prizes Available at the Event. Checks, Cash and Credit Cards accepted. Live Orchestra!


P lanning C ommittee

P ast H onorees Ascending by year of Award Honorable Dean G. Skelos Honorable Ricard V. Guardino Honorable David Mejías, Esq. Honorable James A. Garner Commissioner Welquis Ray López Ana-María Hurtado Robert McBride Raymond P. Martínez Leo Toca Patricia Guillén Jonathan Moore, Esq. Liliana Kayali

2020 Members

Lutricia (Pat) Edwards Dr. Patricia García Luis López National Grid Arthur A. Gianelli María Luisa González Nancy Iglesias - Gillen Maggie Martínez Malito Dr. George Santiago, Jr. Angelo Zuffante David Boone

LINDA MARIE PAUL M anager C rescent B each C lub

EVELYN HERNÁNDEZ T echnology S pecialist E vergreen C harter S chool

ROBERT ALTAMORE H onoree S upporter N ationwide M ortgage B ankers I nc . SONIA BERRIOS VILLANUEVA, M.P.A. LEAN F acilitator N assau U niversity M edical C enter MARÍA ELISA CUADRA C eo COPAY, I nc . ELIZABETH CUSTODIO V ice P resident P eople ’ s U nited B ank ANAHI DECANIO R eal E state B roker D ouglas E lliman | A rty Z en H omes

VERÓNICA RENTA IRWIN, ESQ. P artner I rwin & S treiner , LLC JANINE RAO C hief of S taff N atiowide M ortgage B ankers , I nc . JOSHUA POVEDA, CHEF D irector of H ospitality & C ulinary S er . C í rculo de la H ispanidad

LUIS O. HERRERA, M.D. P ediatrics & A dolescent M edicine L uis O. H errera , M.D. FAAP ANA MARÍA HURTADO-QUINN S upporter G ala S upporter NANCY IGLESIAS-GILLEN P resident | O wner N S tudios , L td . XIOMARA LETO V ice P resident | J ericho M anager TD B ank PAUL LÓPEZ CEO & F ounder T he B usiness of WE (W omen E ntrepreneurs ) HON. JACK M. MARTINS, ESQ. P artner H arris B each PLLC LISETT M. KNOX F iscal D irector E vergreen C harter S chool

José Calderón Helen Dorado Herberth Flores

Norma Giler Jimmy Pérez Honorable Denise Ford Anthony Antonetti

FABIANA REZAK P resident T ennixise I nc .

Winthrop Hospital Continental Airlines Ligia Estrada Otto Lugo Bob Knower

Kawaljit Chandi Greta Guartón Erasmo E, Taveras Patricia Turker Affinity Health Plan

TONI STANZIALE H onoree S upporter N ation W ide M ortgage B ankers I nc . GEORGE SIBERÓN, M.P.A., M.S.W. E xecutive D irector H empstead H ispanic C ivic A ssociation

ROBERT DECANIO L icensed R eal E state B roker D ouglas E lliman

Leo Fernández Barbara DuBow

LIA DI ANGELO-ALLAN E xecutive F loral D esigner W estbury F loral D esigns VERÓNICA FERRERO AVP C ommunity L ending C oordinator E migrant M ortgage C ompany

Michelle DiBenetto Univisión/Telefutura Maritza Meyers

Servando Cid Yahira DeLeón Miriam López Luis F. Ras, Esq. Gladys G. Rodríguez Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli Daisy Expósito-Ulla Dr. Jorge L. Gardyn Sr. Councilwoman Dorothy L. Goosby Robert Isaksen César Nuesi Octavio Cardona

LAUREN STEINBERG H onoree S upporter R ichard S teinberg

Compare Foods Supermarket Honorable Harvey Weisenberg Patrick McCormack Rod Gutiérrez Gil Bernardino Elizabeth Custodio Lillian Rodríguez López Orlando Ortíz, MD, MBA, FACR Kathy de la Rosa-Ballesteros Lorraine A. Cortés-Vázquez Martha P. Parra L.I. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Juan Mijango Marisa Lamarre Honorable Mayor Wayne Hall Sonia Berrios Villanueva, M.B.A. Yvonne María Mowatt Harold A. Fernández, M.D. Honorable Supervisor Kate Murray Robert Hopkins, RPh. Frank & Elizabeth Minier Angelo Ríos Long Island Hispanic Coalition Honorable Edward Mangano Nicholas Andreadis Joseph M. Mottola Sonia Palacio-Grottola Joseph A. Quagliata

HÉCTOR MARTÍNEZ T reasurer C írculo B oard of D irectors

NEIL THAKUR L ong I sland R egional R epresentative U.S. T ennis A ssociation | E astern S ection

LUIS FIGUEROA F ormer D eputy M ayor V illage of H empstead

MAGGIE MARTÍNEZ MALITO MMM D evelopment S trategies H onoree S upporter

HERBERT FLORES B usiness D evelopment M anager A mericasa , H ome L oans NORMA GILER G roup D irector S enior VP S ignature B ank STEVEN GILLEN P resident T aprogge A merica C orporation

ERNST ULYSSE G ala S upporter

ELIAS MENA B usiness A ssociate W orld F inancial G roup

Lia Di Angelo Luis Figueroa Mateo Flores

MARTINE MICHEL-TOURE, MA A dmin . C lient & M edical C ase M gt . S er . N assau U niversity M edical C enter

Vilma E. Matos Victor F. Politi Ada Luz Coonerty

William & Vicky Díaz José C. Fernández Dr. Alfonso J. García-Osuna Martine Michel-Toure Keith S. Senko

Á ngel C epeda N éstor C hopin R obert D onno

Círculo de la Hispanidad Employees

A nthony M irando F rank L. R egnante V erónica R enta I rwin , E sq . D r . L uis V alenzuela

J ournal A d D eadline : T hursday , A pril 23,2020 by 12:00 N oon

Purchase by Clicking Here

F ounder and E xecutive D irector Gil Bernardino

B oard of D irectors Leo Fernández, President Héctor Martínez, Treasurer Osmán Canales, Secretary

M embers

Mario Figueroa Sylvana Loyola Amy Flores

O ffices

26 West Park Avenue Long Beach, New York 11561 91 North Franklin Avenue, Suite 200 Hempstead, New York 11550 605 Penninsula Boulevard Hempstead, New York 11550

C ontact I nformation

circulo@cdlh.org www.cdlh.org

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