CDLH 2016 Gala Online Invite
Join us in celebration of the 2016 Honorees... C omptroller T homas P. D i N apoli N ew Y ork S tate
Círculo de la Hispanidad
36 th
presents its
D aisy E xp ó sito -U lla President and CEO D E xp ó sito & P artners
Spring Gala
D r . J orge L. G ardyn Cheif Executive Officer I sland O ccupational M edical R esources
C ouncilwoman D orothy G oosby T own of H empstead
Friday, May 20, 2016 Garden City Hotel Garden City, New York Cocktail Hour 8:00 p.m. Dinner and Ceremony Commence at 9:00 p.m.
R obert I saksen Long Island President B ank of A merica
C é sar N uesi Linkage Coordinator HIV C í rculo de la H ispanidad
PLEASE RSVP BY MAY 6, 2016 $200.00 per person Black Tie optional Silent Auction and Raffle Prizes available at the event. Checks, Cash and Credit Cards accepted. Live Orchestra!
Growing Stronger Together
P ast H onorees Ascending by year of Award Honorable Dean G. Skelos Honorable Ricard V. Guardino Honorable David Mejias, Esq. Honorable James A. Garner Commissioner Welquis Ray López Ana-María Hurtado Robert McBride Raymond P. Martínez Leo Toca Patricia Guillén Jonathan Moore, Esq. Liliana Kayali
P lanning C ommittee BESAI BARRERA
2016 Members
CHARLES RENFROE A ssistant T reasurer H empstead C hamber of C ommerce JOHANNA RAMOS L ong I sland C ouncil A lcoholism and D rug D ependence ESPERANZA PERESZTEGI F ormer S ecretary C írculo B oard of D irectors MARISOL PÉREZ S ocial W orker H empstead H igh H ealth C enter GIOVANNA RAMÍREZ E xecutive D irector L a F uerza CDC
NANCY IGLESIAS P resident /O wner N S tudios , L td . LILIANA KAYALI F ormer F iscal D irector C í rculo de la H ispanidad
D igital M arketing S trategist C reative M arketing C onsulting
Joseph A. Quagliata Honorable Mayor Wayne Hall Sonia Berrios Villanueva, M.B.A. Yvonne María Mowatt Harold A. Fernández, M.D. Honorable Supervisor Kate Murray Robert Hopkins, RPh. Frank & Elizabeth Minier Angelo Ríos Long Island Hispanic Coalition Honorable Edward Mangano Lutricia (Pat) Edwards Dr. Patricia García Luis López NationalGrid Arthur A. Gianelli Maria Luisa González Nancy Iglesias
JOSEPH BOUQUET M anager , M edicaid M arketing P lan E mpire B luecross B lueshield
CAMILA CARUSONE S mall B usiness B anker C apital O ne
LISETT M. KNOX D irector of F inance & O perations E vergreen C harter S chool
MARIA I. CHICAS-JUNIOR LCSW, S ocial W orker H empstead H igh H ealth C enter
KAREN LEEPER A ssistant P rincipal E vergreen C harter S chool
SERVANDO CID O wner M arbella R estaurant
WELQUIS LÓPEZ S pecial A dvisor to the M ajority L eader NYS S enate SILVANA LOYOLA M ember C í rculo B oard of D irectors FRANCIS MADI-CERRADA N.Y. I mmigration C oalition LI R egional O utreach A ssociate MICHELLE MALDONADO P ublic R elations D irector D E xpósito & P artners , LLC
Winthrop Hospital Continental Airlines Ligia Estrada Honorable Max Rodríguez Otto Lugo Bob Knower
YARI DE LEÓN C ommunity I niciatives M anager G irl S cout of N assau C ounty , I nc . GEORGE DÍAZ O wner L aser & C osmetic D entistry LAURA DICLEMENTI O wner D i C lementi C onsulting LEO FERNÁNDEZ P resident C írculo B oard of D irectors HERBERTH FLORES D irector of M inority A ffairs N assau C ounty
SYED RISVI P harmacist J ewel P harmacy
YOLANDA ROBINSON D irector of E xecutive O perations O ffice of the S tate C omptroller
Leo Fernández Barbara DuBow
Maggie Martinez Malito Dr. George Santiago, Jr. Angelo Zuffante David Boone
MAX RODRÍGUEZ P resident C uban C ivic C lub
Michelle DiBenetto Univision/Telefutura Maritza Meyers
NUBIA RODRÍGUEZ B i -L ingual C ommunity O utreach S outh N assau F amily M edicine C enter
HÉCTOR MARTÍNEZ T reasurer C írculo B oard of D irectors
José Calderón Helen Dorado Herberth Flores
Compare Foods Supermarket Honorable Harvey Weisenberg Patrick McCormack Rod Gutiérrez Gil Bernardino Elizabeth Custodio Lillian Rodríguez López Orlando Ortiz, MD, MBA, FACR Kathy de la Rosa-Ballesteros Lorraine A. Cortés-Vázquez Martha P. Parra L.I. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Juan Mijango Marisa Lamarre
MAGGIE MARTÍNEZ-MALITO E xecutive D irector N. C nty . O ffice of Y outh S ervices
RODERICK ROLLOCK P harmacy R epresentative J ewel P harmacy
Norma Giler Jimmy Pérez Honorable Denise Ford Anthony Antonetti Kawaljit Chandi Greta Guartón Erasmo E, Taveras Patricia Turker Affinity Health Plan Servando Cid Yahira DeLeón Miriam López Luis F. Ras Gladys G. Rodríguez
MARTIZAMEYERS P rincipal E vergreen C harter S chool
MATEO FLORES P rogram D irector EOC N assau C ounty
HENRY SALGADO N assau C ounty L egislature
MARTINE MICHEL-TOURE, MA A dministrator N assau U niversity M edical C enter FRANK & ELIZABETH MINIER O wners T ony C uban
STEVEN GILLEN M anaging D irector T aprogge A merica C orp .
GEORGE SIBERÓN, M.P.A., M.S.W. E xecutive D irector H empstead H ispanic C ivic A ssociation JORGE ULLA Partner / Chief Ideation Officer D Expósito & Partners, LLC
CARLA HEMINGWAY-KING M ath C oordinator E vergreen C harter S chool
EVELYN HERNÁNDEZ T echnology S pecialist E vergreen C harter S chool
JAIME M. MOYA M ember C írculo B oard of D irectors
SANTIAGO YENY M edical C ase M anager N u H ealth
Nicholas Andreadis Joseph M. Mottola Sonia Palacio-Grottola
Círculo de la Hispanidad Employees
B oard of D irectors
Gil Bernardino, Founder and Executive Director Leo Fernández, President Héctor Martínez, Treasurer María Ayala, Secretary
M embers
Mario Figueroa Julián Herrero Sylvana Loyola Jaime Moya
O ffices
26 West Park Avenue Long Beach, New York 11561 91 North Franklin Avenue, Suite 200 Hempstead, New York 11550 605 Penninsula Boulevard Hempstead, New York 11550
C ontact I nformation
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