Meta Soundness - Graphic Standards Manual


Primary Logo

Primary Logo Grey-Scale

The Logo can be used at a grey scale from its original form, but requires approval from our compliance department. Then and only then can the grey-scale logo be displayed or used. On the other hand, white on a greyscale is not acceptable at anytime, the color logo must be utilized.

Original Color Logo converted to Greyscale

The original drawing of the butterfly and oil drops were created in adobe illustrator with gradients. Three colors are used within the lettering of the logo, green, lime green and a rich black. The UR in the tagline contains a .25 stroke of the green. The green color was sopt picked from the butterfly’s body. The lime green was spot picked form the drop of oil.

R=0 G=104 B=56 R=210 G=202 B=40

Pantone 3500 CP Pantone 4232 CP

C=60 M=20 Y=20 K=100 C=90 M=30 Y=95 K=30 C=21 M=9 Y=100 K=0

Acceptable with Approval

R=0 G=15 B=17

Graphic Standards Manual



Made with FlippingBook Annual report maker