"Ole Times Day" Invitation
Become a Sponsor
Corporate Sponsor
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Congratulations to the Town of Babylon on its 150th milestone. Many thanks to the Village of Babylon for their dedication and perseverance to continually improve Babylon Village for its community members!
B enefits of S ponsorship
- Erect a 10 ft. x 10 ft. tent on N Carll Ave. - Listed on the program handout. - Share the Mission and History of your organization. - Opportunity to recruit new members. - Opportunity to share literature of your organization. - Design your marchching banner with a professional.
Share your story!
Providing Efficiencies and Reliability to Long Island's Energy Network Resources
N ancy I glesias -G illen (631) 943-5061 nriglesias@optonline.net
J udy S killen (631) 766-6522 jskillen@optonline.net
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