"Ole Times Day" Invitation
L i v e
1946 Serving the Community for over 75 Years
Join us and our BAGPIPERS in celebrating Babylon Village and our community.
Join Us on “Ole Times Day” Live music commences immediately following the Opening Ceremony
The Ancient Order Of Hibernians is a Catholic, Irish American Fraternal Organization founded in New York City in May of 1836. The Order can trace it’s roots back to a parent organization of the same name which has existed in Ireland for over 300 years.
Gail Storm Music - 1:00 pm Blues stylings to soothe the soul...
The motto of this Order is Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity. Friendship shall consist of helping one another and in assisting each other to the best of our power. Unity, in combining together for mutual support in sickness and distress. Christian Charity, in loving one another and doing to all men as we would wish that they should do unto us.
www.gailstormmusic.com Visit Gail
Jack Licitra Quartet - 2:20 pm Learn the power of Music through Jazz
www.artspharmacy.com Visit Jack
http://www.babylonhibernians.com/ Discover the AOH
Gathering Time - 3:45 pm Internationally touring folk-rock harmony...
Visit our tent on “Ole Times Day” to learn more about the AOH and our upcomming events.
www.gathering-time.com Visit Gathering Ti e
https://www.hunting tonarts.org/
https://www. babylonvillagearts. org/
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