2017 Rotary Foundation Celebration
C arving S tation
Pernil, Pickled Onions Pastrami, Whole Grain Mustard
W hitby C astle S lider S tation
Pulled Pork, Crab, Beef and Vegetarian Sliders Baby Brioche Rolls, Ketchup, Mustard and Rémoulade Sauce Caramelized Onions and Pickles
C hinese T ake - out S tation
Sesame Noodles & Vegetable Stir Fry Chinese Take Out Containers & Chop Sticks
D essert S tation
Chef’s Selection on Mini Pastries Chef’s Selection of One Passed Dessert Coffees • Teas • Soft Drinks
C ash B ar
M ake Y our R eservations T oday at : www .R otary D istrict 7255. org
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