Rotary District 7255 Foundation Celebration Invitation
Animated publication
oundation elebration
Join Us for A
MJ Fitzgerald DISTRICT GOVERNOR R otary D istrict 7255
Roaring 20’s
oundation elebration F C
Special Guest Speakers
Mr. Jeffrey Cadorette, RIDN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT M edia R eal E state C ompany
W ednesday , M ay 17, 2017 W hitby C astle 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Mr. David C. Forward AUTHOR F reelance W riter
330 B oston P ost R oad R ye , N ew Y ork 10580
Ms. Hendreen Dean Rohrs ADMINISTRATOR R hide T echnologies , I nc .
$100 P er P erson
P urchase T ickets at : www .R otary D istrict 7255. org
Roaring 20’s / Dress your Best Hosted by Districts
Service Above Self
7210 • 7230 • 7255
Luxury Buses will be provided for District 7255 at an Additional cost
He has represented the President of Rotary International at 12 District Conferences across the country and in Canada and has been the keynote and motivational speaker at numerous district conferences, Rotary Foundation dinners, Rotary workshops and seminars around North America. In 2010 and 2011 he served as one of 40 International Training Leaders selected globally at the Rotary International Assembly in San Diego. In January 2015 and January 2016, he served as one of two Seminar Leaders at the International Assembly in San Diego. Seminar Leaders train the 40 International Training Leaders who then in turn train the 547 incoming District Governors for the upcoming Rotary year. In September of 2016 he was the selection of the Zone 32 Nominating Committee for Director to serve on the Rotary International Board of Directors 2018-2020 representing 70,000 Rotarians from Alaska, Canada, the French Islands off the coat of Canada, and the Northeastern US. In 2015 he was appointed to the Board of Directors of Spiezle Architecture Group in Trenton, NJ. He is a Charter Member of the District 7450 Paul Harris Fellow Society and a Rotary Foundation Major Donor. He is a recipient of: The Delaware County Chamber of Commerce Distinguished Small Business Person of the Year Award The Pennsylvania Physical Therapy Association Humanitarian Award The Springfield College Distinguished Alumni Award The Media Rotary Foundation Distinguished Service Award The Rotary International PolioPlus Partners Leadership Award The Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service The Media Theatre, Walter M. Strine Advocacy of the Arts Award Boy Scouts of America, Cradle of Liberty Council, Good Scout Award In 2001, he was the recipient of the Rotary International Service Above Self Award, Rotary International’s highest honor for individual Rotarians. In 2006 he received The Rotary Foundation Distinguished Service Award, the Foundation’s highest distinction.
Mr. Jeffry Cadorette, RIDN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT M edia R eal E state C ompany
J effry Cadorette, RIDN is Associate Broker, Commercial Realtor, and Executive Vice President at Media Real Estate Company. He received a bachelor’s Degree in Science and a Master’s Degree in Education from Springfield College and a post graduate degree in physical therapy from the University of Pennsylvania. He served on the Board of Directors of the Rocky Run YMCA for 14 years, 4 as Chair of that Board and was Honorary Chair of their Phase ll and Phase lll Capital Campaigns. He is a past Board member of the Philadelphia Freedom Valley Y where he was Chair of its Branch Operations Committee. He is a past member of the Board of Trustees of Springfield College. (Mass.) He has been named Volunteer of the Year twice by both Rocky Run Y and Springfield College He served for 9 years on the Board of Trustees at Tyler Arboretum and was President of that Board for 3 years. He is a past General Coordinator worldwide of Rotary Foundation Alumni Coordinators. He was a delegate to the Rotary International 2004 and 2007 Council on Legislation in Chicago.
Foundation, Frank Talk on Leadership and Frank Talk of Public Speaking. Together, the Frank Talk series have sold more than 200,000 copies— generating significant contributions to The Rotary Foundation. For three years, David represented New Jersey on the White House Conference on Small Business, and he is a Realtor with Keller Williams Realty in Medford. David’s passion is volunteerism, and has initiated and led humanitarian work trips across America and to the Dominican Republic and Beirut. He has served his church as deacon and elder, and is a Commissioned Lay Pastor in the Presbyterian Church. As a Rotarian for 39 years, he served three times as club president, as well as district conference chairman, district membership development chairman, State Vocational Assembly chairman, and District PolioPlus chairman, for which the president of Rotary International awarded him the Citation for Meritorious Service. David served as Governor of District 7500 for 2015-16, and when the DGE resigned six days before her year began, he agreed to continue as Governor for 2016-2017. In 1991, David founded International Children’s Aid Foundation and serves as its president. The all-volunteer foundation has its own orphanage, dental and medical clinics in Romania and has taught hundreds of abandoned children early childhood education, vocational training and life skills. David hosts several groups of volunteers each year who go to Romania on short term mission trips from all over the world and has visited Romania 70 times. After reviewing a global line-up of professional writers, a blue-chip panel of Rotary International officers unanimously selected David Forward to be the author of the official history book of Rotary. The book, A Century of Service, has earned praise from Rotarians the world over and multiple editions have sold out. Rotary International subsequently chose David to author the book Doing Good in the World, celebrating the centennial of The Rotary Foundation, just published last January. He has just finished his 13th book: A String of Pearls: Inspiring Stories of how Rotary Peace Fellows are Serving Humanity and Changing the World. In 2005, the 1.2 million-member National Association of Realtors named him the winner of the Good Neighbor Award for his volunteer work. In 2011, he was awarded Realtor of the Year. David and Chris are Rotary Foundation Major Donors and live in Medford, New Jersey. Their son David is an equities analyst with Deutsche Bank.
Mr. David C. Forward DISTRICT GOVERNOR A uthor
D avid was born and educated in England. He became a Rotarian in 1978 after moving to the United States. He just finished writing his 13th book, A String of Pearls: Inspiring Stories of How Rotary Peace Fellows are Serving Humanity and Changing the World . David has written the book pro bono and a private foundation has agreed to produce it, and so every dime from book sales will go to The Rotary Foundation. In 2016, David released his book Doing Good in the World: The Inspiring Story of The Rotary Foundation's First 100 Years. His other books, Heroes After Hours, Sales Superstars, DUH! Lessons in Employee Motivation That Every Business Should Learn—from the World’s Best (and Worst!) Airlines, Miracles Among Us, and The Essential Guide to the Short-Term Mission Trip either hit the best-seller list or went into multiple printings, and all deal with either volunteerism or ethical business practices. David will be familiar to many Rotarians through Frank Talk, which he wrote for Past RI President Frank Devlyn—the fastest-selling book in Rotary history. Ten years after it was first released, Frank Talk has sold 100,000 copies and has been translated into Spanish, Turkish, Korean, Portuguese, Hindi, Italian, Mandarin, and Vietnamese. Past-President Frank and David collaborated on follow-up books called Frank Talk II, which shows clubs how to retain the members they bring in, and F rank Talk on The Rotary
P assed H ors d ” oeuvres
Hendreen Dean Rohrs OWNER/ADMINISTRATOR R hide T echnologies , I nc .
Shrimp & Guacamole Crostini Watermelon & Feta Bites Little Neck Clams Casino Crispy Risotto Ball, Arborio Rice, Shallots & Garlic, Truffled Oil Crab Cakes, Wasabi Mayonnaise Scallops Wrapped in Applewood Smoked Bacon Raspberry & Brie Pastry Bites Malaysian Beef Satay
D ean, her husband Rhino and their 3 children emigrated to Canada from South Africa 26 years ago. Dean grew up in Zambia and after marrying Rhino lived in Malawi, Namibia and South Africa. Dean was born into a Rotary family and when Rhino joined Rotary in 1986 became an active Rotary Ann until she joined Rotary in 1989. On arriving in Vancouver both Dean and Rhino joined the Rotary Club of West Vancouver and at present are members of the Rotary Club of Langley Central in District 5050. Dean has had a varied career from the early days of being an Operating Room Nurse on Professor Christiaan Barnard’s first heart transplant team to running a Nursery School in Malawi. Together with Rhino they now owner manage a company that is involved in soil stabilization during road construction. Dean has served on District and Zone committees; which include: Regional Rotary Coordinator and Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator, Pacific Northwest PETS Chair, District Governor in 2007/2008 and Rotary International Director 2016-2018, However, her best experience is leading teams of Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors to Africa and seeing how this volunteer experience changes their lives .
M editerranean S tation
Israeli Falafel. with Yogurt Cucumber Sauce Hummus & Baba Ghanoush, Pita Triangles Mediterranean Tabbouleh Salad Vegetable Crudités
P asta S tation
Farfalle Pasta with Julienne Vegetables, Roasted Garlic Rigatoni Bolognese C ontinued
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C arving S tation
Pernil, Pickled Onions Pastrami, Whole Grain Mustard
W hitby C astle S lider S tation
Pulled Pork, Crab, Beef and Vegetarian Sliders Baby Brioche Rolls, Ketchup, Mustard and Rémoulade Sauce Caramelized Onions and Pickles
C hinese T ake - out S tation
Sesame Noodles & Vegetable Stir Fry Chinese Take Out Containers & Chop Sticks
D essert S tation
Chef’s Selection on Mini Pastries Chef’s Selection of One Passed Dessert Coffees • Teas • Soft Drinks
C ash B ar
M ake Y our R eservations T oday at : www .R otary D istrict 7255. org
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