Rotary District 7255 Foundation Celebration Invitation
Join Us for A
MJ Fitzgerald DISTRICT GOVERNOR R otary D istrict 7255
Roaring 20’s
oundation elebration F C
Special Guest Speakers
Mr. Jeffrey Cadorette, RIDN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT M edia R eal E state C ompany
W ednesday , M ay 17, 2017 W hitby C astle 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Mr. David C. Forward AUTHOR F reelance W riter
330 B oston P ost R oad R ye , N ew Y ork 10580
Ms. Hendreen Dean Rohrs ADMINISTRATOR R hide T echnologies , I nc .
$100 P er P erson
P urchase T ickets at : www .R otary D istrict 7255. org
Roaring 20’s / Dress your Best Hosted by Districts
Service Above Self
7210 • 7230 • 7255
Luxury Buses will be provided for District 7255 at an Additional cost
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