Rotary District 7255 Foundation Celebration Invitation
He has represented the President of Rotary International at 12 District Conferences across the country and in Canada and has been the keynote and motivational speaker at numerous district conferences, Rotary Foundation dinners, Rotary workshops and seminars around North America. In 2010 and 2011 he served as one of 40 International Training Leaders selected globally at the Rotary International Assembly in San Diego. In January 2015 and January 2016, he served as one of two Seminar Leaders at the International Assembly in San Diego. Seminar Leaders train the 40 International Training Leaders who then in turn train the 547 incoming District Governors for the upcoming Rotary year. In September of 2016 he was the selection of the Zone 32 Nominating Committee for Director to serve on the Rotary International Board of Directors 2018-2020 representing 70,000 Rotarians from Alaska, Canada, the French Islands off the coat of Canada, and the Northeastern US. In 2015 he was appointed to the Board of Directors of Spiezle Architecture Group in Trenton, NJ. He is a Charter Member of the District 7450 Paul Harris Fellow Society and a Rotary Foundation Major Donor. He is a recipient of: The Delaware County Chamber of Commerce Distinguished Small Business Person of the Year Award The Pennsylvania Physical Therapy Association Humanitarian Award The Springfield College Distinguished Alumni Award The Media Rotary Foundation Distinguished Service Award The Rotary International PolioPlus Partners Leadership Award The Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service The Media Theatre, Walter M. Strine Advocacy of the Arts Award Boy Scouts of America, Cradle of Liberty Council, Good Scout Award In 2001, he was the recipient of the Rotary International Service Above Self Award, Rotary International’s highest honor for individual Rotarians. In 2006 he received The Rotary Foundation Distinguished Service Award, the Foundation’s highest distinction.
Mr. Jeffry Cadorette, RIDN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT M edia R eal E state C ompany
J effry Cadorette, RIDN is Associate Broker, Commercial Realtor, and Executive Vice President at Media Real Estate Company. He received a bachelor’s Degree in Science and a Master’s Degree in Education from Springfield College and a post graduate degree in physical therapy from the University of Pennsylvania. He served on the Board of Directors of the Rocky Run YMCA for 14 years, 4 as Chair of that Board and was Honorary Chair of their Phase ll and Phase lll Capital Campaigns. He is a past Board member of the Philadelphia Freedom Valley Y where he was Chair of its Branch Operations Committee. He is a past member of the Board of Trustees of Springfield College. (Mass.) He has been named Volunteer of the Year twice by both Rocky Run Y and Springfield College He served for 9 years on the Board of Trustees at Tyler Arboretum and was President of that Board for 3 years. He is a past General Coordinator worldwide of Rotary Foundation Alumni Coordinators. He was a delegate to the Rotary International 2004 and 2007 Council on Legislation in Chicago.
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