The Graduation of Benjamin Gillen and Fellow Classmates
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K i d s E x p r e s s P r e - K i n d e r g a r t e n G R A D U A T I O N
20 19 L a u g h O f t e n , D r e a m B i g , R e a c h f o r t h e S t a r s ! The Graduation of Benjamin Gillen and Fellow Classmates
Adventure Is Out There !
Pomp & Circumstance Welcome Family & Friends Pledge of Allegiance We Must Say Goodbye (all) Climb Aboard the Space Ship (Group B) If You're an Elephant (A) Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (all) Old McDonald Had an Ocean (B) I'm a Little Daisy (A) 5 Little Monkeys Swinging in the Tree (all) Presentation of Diplomas Celebration (all) "Let Them Be Little" (exit song)
May 29, 2019
Annie LoPresti Owen Taylor McKenna Hill Emmett Martin Dax Hartzell Gianna Guerrero Christopher Abramowitz Rachael Braddock
Summer Morales Axel Cox Viviana Foley Benjamin Gillen Ian Comunale Sophia Yarosz Nathan Stevens
20 19
Acaius Jones Brenna Balch Thor Ward
Emilio Castillo London Farmer Anthony Aviles
Teacher: Miss Brandy | Assisted By: Miss Anna | Administrators: Miss Linda & Miss Rae
W e A re T he C hildren W e A re T he F uture W e A re T he W orld
KIDS EXPRESS, INC. | CLASS OF 2019 | A P ennsylvan a K eystone STAR 4 C enter
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